Worship at Resurrection Lutheran
what to expect
What time is worship?
Worship is held at 9:30am every Sunday. You are invited to join us and stay after worship for coffee fellowship.
Do I need to dress up to worship with you?
Absolutely not. You are invited to come as you are, whether that's in jeans and a t-shirt or a 3-piece suit. Our goal is to make Christ known to all people regardless of outward appearance.
What is your worship style?
Resurrection Lutheran is an intentionally traditional community. On Sunday morning we, an assembly of sinners and family of believers, gather around the Word of God for support and encouragement. We sing time-honored hymns and follow a relevant, reverent, and inspiring liturgy to carry us on our faith journey and strengthen us for the week ahead.
Am I allowed to take communion at Resurrection Lutheran?
Our communion table is set the 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings of every month for anyone who comes forward knowing they are sinners in need of God's redeeming. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper is open to those who have been baptized, instructed properly, and believe the true body and blood of Jesus Christ is present with the elements of bread and wine. For more information or clarification please reach out to Pastor Aaron.
What about young children in worship?
We encourage families to worship together. Children's activity bags are available in the narthex and can be picked up before entering the Sanctuary. A nursery is also staffed by volunteers.